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MT Juliet Chamber Member Spotlight: She’s a former barrel racer who loves to read

She’s a former barrel racer who loves to read

Bev Moser hails from Hawarden, Iowa.
If she’s not reading an autobiog- raphy, she might be daydreaming about rodeo team practices in col- lege.

Tell us about your family. I have four children (ages 11, 28, 30, and 31) and three grandchildren. My 11-year old was adopted when the older three were adults.

What’s Hawarden, Iowa’s claim to fame? I’m not sur e there is one! Hawarden, Iowa is located very near the center of North America, far re- moved from any major bodies of water. I did go to school with Brian Hansen, who played for 15 years in the NFL for the Saints, Browns, Jets, Patriots, and Redskins.

What’s your favorite college memory? My favor ite col- lege memory is definitely ro- deo team practices!


Age: 52

Title: Owner

Company: Moments by Moser Pho- tography


Employees: 5

Hometown: Hawar den, Iowa

Education: National College of Busi- ness—Rapid City, South Dakota

Were you on the rodeo team or just an observer? I was on the rodeo team as a barrel rac- er.

What do you do enjoy in your spare time? I enjoy hik- ing, walking, water activities, DIY projects, youth sports, and volunteering at the Nossi Col- lege of Art.

What do you like about vol- unteering at the Nossi Col- lege of Art? I love encour ag- ing others to follow their dreams.

What DIY projects do you enjoy? I’m a far m gir l, so I love anything that gets my hands dirty. I love the outdoors and yard projects.

What’s your guilty pleasure? A bonfire with blueberry lem- onade Smirnoff Ice.

What’s your favorite meal? Any I don’t have to cook! A steak on the grill is one of my favorites.

What’s your favorite restaurant?

Margarita House!

What’s the last book you read? I love to read autobiographies. I just finished Bill Andersons.

What did you take away from that book? Bill Ander son was a country star and my take-away is that others may have plans for your future, but only you can follow your desire to do what makes you happy.

What other autobiographies have you enjoyed? I have to stay that Bill Anderson’s was my favorite all time autobiography! I enjoyed it because he broke the family mold and expectations of joining the family business to follow his heart and his own dreams.

What’s your biggest splurge? I’m not a big splurge person, but proba- bly something for the house or for my kids.

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