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INTERVIEW: Jamie Tate "I'll Give My All"

Jamie Tate is not taking any conventional path’s in her life. She is doing double duty as a law student, a new wife and a country music singer and songwriter. She recently recorded her song “I’ll Give My All” with the 82nd Airborne All American Chorus at Black River Studios in Nashville. In her own words it was”Amazing to see the professionalism and honor in the faces of these amazing heros!”
I was along with her in the studio during the recording and we took a few moments to chat about the experience and her expectations.

Bev: Good morning Jamie, thank you so much for inviting me to join you this morning for this memorable time in your career. Lets start with talking about the excitement of recording with all the men and women from the 82nd Airborne and how this came to be.
Jamie: This song is called “I’ll Give My All” and we are recording it with the 82nd Airborne All American Chorus this morning. When we first wrote this song, we thought it would be amazing to put a chorus on it and we would really be able to reach the listeners if we could put a military chorus on it. In short, we contacted the 82nd Airborne, they loved the song and, we got approval within two weeks to do the song with the 82nd Airborne military chorus. The song gives a past, present and future glimpse into the life of someone that serves in the military..
Bev: Who wrote this song with you?
Jamie: Myself, Bob Crumley, Elaine Caudill and Blake Neevus and Renee Griffith out of North Carolina. Renee is the one that came up with the idea.
Bev: I know many times when you have a project of this magnitude, you try and incorporate other events and activities around it to help get the music heard. What promotions are you working on?
Jamie: The song is part of a promotion where we want to deliver one million free downloads to the military men and women of our country. Right now, the game plan is to find sponsors who will pay for the downloads. It can be individuals, corporations or businesses that will sponsor a certain number of songs and then they will be distributed to military men and women through download cards. The recipients can then go online and download it. The goal is to get a million free downloads to the military.
Bev: Is there a game plan in place already as to how they will be delivered? Will it be through another organization that is established in delivering packages?
Jamie: I am not quite sure how they are going to give them out. I know they are talking to several companies about distribution. Also, all of the band members and people in my organization are going to be carrying cards with us to hand deliver them during concerts and shows.
Bev: Will there be an opportunity for people to purchase the song individually or maybe ten dollars worth?
Jamie: Yes. It can be anyone, an individual that wants to support our men and women and wants to purchase these to give to others to say thank you. It’s a great way to say thank you. They can purchase one, five, ten or whatever they feel in their heart they want to give.
Bev: Do you have a personal drive or special meaning to your involvement with this?
Jamie: When I first heard this song, it really pulled at my heart strings and I thought that this song could be a great way to say thank you. Honestly, I don’t think there are enough words to say thank you to our military people who have fought and even given their lives for the freedom of this country and the freedom of other countries around the world. My emotions continue to grow closer to my heart as I work with this song. The more I listen to it, the more I sing it, the more it grows. We want people to know that this is a way that they can say thank you as well.
Bev: What has been the reaction from those that have heard it so far?
Jamie: People react differently. Some people feel very proud and it makes them want to go do something and help and they want to say thank you. But it can be a way to step back and get emotional. The song takes a look at a little girl’s past; of her Father going off to war, the present with her going off to war and the future with her children going off to war. If that doesn’t give you chill bumps, I don’t know what will. It is not just about the military family, it is knowing that each generation does what it has to do to protect this nation and to protect people around the world. The song is definitely getting different reactions from different people.
Bev: After hearing the chorus do the background vocals, what thoughts are going through your head as it is coming to fruition?
Jamie: It is a little surreal in my mind. I think it is so awesome. I was so excited to hear their stories, what they do and, what their thoughts are. I heard their stories of serving in Iraq and what some of their families go through. I have friends and family in the military but to hear emotional stories where I am not so biased is so emotional.
Bev: Do you plan to do a USO tour?
Jamie: I think we are looking into that with the 82nd Airborne. I think that’s definitely a possibility in the near future.
Bev: As far as your whole career, what has been your biggest surprise?
Jamie: I would have to say the 82nd Airborne chorus is the biggest. I have only been in Nashville and recording for about a year. To have something this big going on so soon in my musical career is definitely exciting. I am so grateful and thankful for them to be a part of this.
For more information on Jamie Tate visit and for additional photos of Jamie during the recording session with the 82nd Airborne visit
Transcribed by Pam Stadel

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