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I recently met a young man who like so many in Nashville aspires to be a big country music star; but this young man stands apart from the others. Adam Fisher the day we sat down to chat, was dressed in all black; unique leather jacket and had a look all his own with very blue eyes and coal black hair. We visited about how he got started in is musical career and we talked about his dreams of making it big.

It is no secret that Elvis Presley played a big part in making Adam who he is today. As a young child he often would dress and act as Elvis, complete with the hip-shaking moves and smooth style of “The King”. When Adam was thirteen, a music teacher asked him to entertain at local church function where he sang “That’s Alright Momma” and the dream took hold; from that point on he entertained for many other events and entered countless contests honing his skills as an Elvis Impersonator and forming the roots to pursue music as a career. Stella Parton was on hand at a performance in Memphis, and since has been working with him to further his dreams and hone his skills as an artist.

“Cotton Town” is hitting the radio airwaves and been received well by the industry and fans as it pulls on the emotional heartstrings of growing up in a small farming town and taking trips down memory lane. Currently in the process of writing and recording the songs for his upcoming CD, Adam is excited to get on tour and perform, that is where is passion lives. His voice combines the deep baritone vocals with smooth and easy lyrics; which alone sets him apart from many other artists, but add the flavor and resonance of the influential tunes of Waylon Jennings, Merle Haggard, Dave Matthews, The Black Crowes and Shooter Jennings intertwined with Adam’s style and you have something fresh, new, exciting and different on today’s country music scene.

When asked which stage in Music City he was most excited about performing on, he did not hesitate to answer, “The Ryman”. Adam choose to follow his heart to Nashville and never finished college, so he made a promise to his dad, that his performance on the Ryman stage would replace the degree had he completed his formal education.

Currently signed with Lofton Creek Records, Adam is busy networking in Music City and getting his name out there. He recently participated in the “Christmas for Kids Bus Tour & Charity Fundraiser” where he signed autographs and met with new fans for over three hours as they toured the “STARS” tour busses at a Wal-Mart in Hendersonville, TN.

Keep your ears open and be on the look out for this up and coming new star. I think 2010 will have a whole new feel in country music once his project is complete and Adam hits the scene full force.

For more information on Adam Fisher visit

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