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INTERVIEW: Holly Williams

Holly Williams the daughter of Hank Williams, Jr. and half-sister of alternative-country singer Hank Williams III. Williams has released two studio albums: The Ones We Never Knew and Here with Me, in 2004 and 2009 respectively. The latter album has produced two chart singles for her on the Billboard country singles charts with "Keep the Change" and "Mama". I recently visited with Holly about the new project and about some of the personal things in her life.

Bev: Thank you Holly for spending some time with me, can you tell me a little about the new project?

Holly Williams: Thank you for taking time, I would love to share a little. “Here With Me” was released on June 16 and I recently was on the Craig Ferguson show prompting my CD and I have been touring with Sugarland. I currently have a couple shows in September and I’m going back to Europe in November. Basically I have been just touring and promoting as much as I can.

Bev: How does this project differ from the first CD you released?

Holly Williams: They are somewhat similar in the sense that the styles didn’t change. It was more the production of the project that changed. I’m 5 years older; therefore I’ve grown up a lot since the first record and vocally, I am a lot stronger.

Bev: How much of an impact did the car accident have on this project for you?

Holly Williams: I had written about half of the songs before the car accident happened. I did write a song called, “Without Jesus Here With Me” after the accident and because of it. Surviving this has just made me want to better myself in every aspect.

Bev: Did you write a majority of the songs on this project?

Holly Williams: Yes I did.

Bev: What kind of writing style do you have when you write your songs?

Holly Williams: I like to have a storytelling style to my songs. I like to see things visually and see the story.

Bev: Is there any Williams family traditions you try to carry on?

Holly Williams: Not really, I’ve mentioned a few things but it’s not something I try to do.

Bev: Do you have a favorite song on this C.D.?

Holly Williams: “Alone” is my personal favorite. It is a song I wrote about three years ago and many people can relate because so many people have a fear of getting close right away and committing yourself to someone.

Bev: You’ve done a lot of touring with bigger name artists, do you have a favorite to perform with?

Holly Williams: That’s tough to say. On the country side Keith Urban was amazing! Sugarland was great. Madeleine Peyroux , I adore and have been a fan for years. She’s probably been my favorite in the “female world”.

Bev: Do you have any memorable stories from on stage performances or embarrassing moments?

Holly Williams: I’ve left my fly down more than two or three times, had bugs go up my nose and it’s hard to compose yourself during a song when something like that happens. I haven’t fallen off the stage or tripped.

Bev: Can you tell me a little bit more about the clothing boutique that you have?

Holly Williams: The clothing boutique is in Green Hills, and is called H. Audrey. I’ve always loved fashion and design, and I opened it in 2007. We have quite a few stylists and artists come in, such as Taylor Swift and Kelly Clarkson. It’s a fun thing and I have a great store manager and employees. I love music, but this is a nice step away on occasion; especially as a solo artist, you tend to get a little overwhelmed at times.

Bev: How did you come up with the name?

Holly Williams: It’s my first initial and middle name.

Bev: Does your mom go out on the road and perform often with you?

Holly Williams: She comes out when she can. She performed on Conan [O’Brien] with me and she has joined me at a couple of the Sugarland shows I’ve done.

Bev: Is there anything else about the current C.D. project you really want people to know about?
Holly Williams: My favorite song is “Alone” and there is a great Johnny and June type of duet “A Love I Think Will Last”. Another great song is called “Mama” and it’s about my mom and her split with my dad.

Bev: Holly, I have really enjoyed visiting with you today and thank you so much for your time and all you have shared. I look forward to seeing you perform again soon.

Holly: Thank you so much and I look forward to you coming to a show too.

For more information on Holly Williams visit

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