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Daryle Singletary is living his dream, and has been since a very young age when he began performing for school and church functions. With his upcoming release of ROCKIN’ THE COUNTRY he is busy promoting the new project and enjoying the music as much now as ever.

The new cd is true traditional country, with a little help from some friends like Rhonda Vincent and Charlie Daniels. He sings about life, love and death and a little bit of everything in between that you would expect to find on a country album. Daryle and I took a break from his schedule to visit about his music and the new CD.

Bev: I have the new project in my CD player and have to tell you that your fans will love this one. Congratulations. How does it feel to be in this phase of releasing it and as you promote it?

Daryle: It is awesome. It has been awhile since I have had a CD with all new songs and no remakes on it. I am still at the point where I am flattered and thankful to be in this business. To make records and knowing how tough it is to be a traditional country singer and to be able to do this after fourteen years I am very thankful.

Bev: I know you took your time with this project, can you elaborate on this a little?

Daryle: We actually had this record done in 2004 and I was a victim of my record label closing down and packing up. We had already started the promotion process and were ready to release it so it sat on the proverbial famous shelf and sat there. I did some other work in between and built up some funds to buy this project from the label, and trust me it took some begging and pleading to let it sit there this long. They wanted to do digital releases of songs from the CD, but I really wanted to be able to promote it as a whole project. We finally agreed on a price, and decided to do replace two re-makes and here we are.

Bev: When you originally started on this project, did you have a game plan on the overall sound or do you prefer to let things take shape as they go?

Daryle: I never try and do a theme, I look for good country music and songs that I love. Hopefully the public will enjoy it as well.

Bev: Did you write any of the songs on this CD?

Daryle: I wrote one with Billy Lawson, “She’s A Woman”. It is about a new girl he had been dating at the time and we were talking about the things women do and think compared to how men do.

Bev: Have you picked out your favorite on this project?

Daryle: “She Looks Good In Black” is one of my favorites, but they are all good. This particular story comes from a man who has passed on and is telling the story from his casket, so it is different.

Bev: You have a couple guest artists on the project, Rhonda Vincent and legendary fiddler Charlie Daniels, how did this come about?

Daryle: Rhonda and I have been doing things together for years. She did background for me on some of my past work and we did a couple duets together. We just sing well together, so it was awesome to have her participate on this project as well. Charlie Daniels we had sent the tracks and asked him to add some fiddle, but when we got it back, he also had sang some too to we were very blessed to have him on the CD.

Bev: I know your childhood dreams were to be here in Nashville and become a Country Star, how much of the dream is still with you, or has it changed over the course of time?

Daryle: I believe all of it is still a dream. I have been very fortunate to do this for a living, it is a dream in itself.

Bev: As you prepare to put your seventh project on the shelf, what constants did you try and incorporate into it to make it stand out and be a Daryle Singletary album?

Daryle: I moved to Nashville in 1990 to be a traditional country singer after growing up listening to George Jones, Merle Haggard, Randy Travis and Keith Whitley. I think I am more who I am than something I try to, or set out to do. People who know me, know this is where I come from and don’t ask me to change or compromise.

Bev: You have been on stage and performing since a young age. Do you get the same rush of excitement you did then or has it become more comfortable over time?

Daryle: I think it is different. I remember singing to girls in high school and thinking this is it. Today the excitement is still there, but in a more appreciative way. I still get butterflies when I play at the Opry.

Bev: During the productive and creative part of creating this CD, what is your favorite part?

Daryle: When it is in the plastic and on the shelf. That is my favorite part. (laughing) I enjoy all of the aspects really. It starts with a demo and then you get the great musicians and you create a baby out of all this, it is really a cool transition from beginning to end and I like the whole span. It is all a part of the dream. I will be honest, this part of interviewing and all is not something I would do all the time, but it is still fun.

Bev: If you had your choice on how to promote the music, what would you choose?

Daryle: Playing it live. If I could get out to the masses and play live, that would be ideal. I play for free – they pay me to ride up and down the road in a bus. I am a fan of the music , so to play and see people react, that is what it is all about. So if I could promote it in that fashion alone, I would be all over it.

Bev: What are your feelings and thoughts as an artist on the digital exposure so widespread today, like you-tube for example?

Daryle: I think people who may not know who Daryle Singletary is might just stumble across something and like it. Everything is word oriented when doing a search, so the exposure is wonderful. People who type in a phrase like “too much fun” or something and they will be introduced to me. I do not approve of the illegal downloads of course, but promotion is promotion so hopefully it does good for an artist when people post clips like that.

Bev: Any plans for videos off of this project?

Daryle: We have talked about some opportunities for videos. There are a lot of cool things to work with, so we have some ideas.

Bev: As an artist you are often asked to support and participate in special events and fund raisers; is there any particular one so far that sticks in your mind?

Daryle: Definitely. I went to St. Judes Hospital in Memphis and the thing that sticks in my mind is when I went into the Chapel and the children all write out their prayer requests. I read through some of them and not a one was about themselves. Each request was asking for strength or for something for a friend, a parent or sibling.

Bev: You have had opportunities to be on stage with some of the industries biggest names and finest artists, anybody that is your favorite?

Daryle: I had the opportunity to play with George Jones in the late 90’s and he always asked me to do “Rockin’ Chair” with him and that was very special to me. I also was on the Workin’ Man’s Tribute to Merle Haggard on the Ryman stage so to be there with him and his band was a time I will never forget.

Bev: Do you enjoy singing songs by others or would you prefer to sing your own and create a legendary song of your own?

Daryle: I think there is a time and place for both. I am not scared to sing something another artist has cut, and I do not try and re-create it and make it better. I do like knowing there are songs out there that always make fans identify with you too.

Bev: Standard interview question for you, if you could only choose one person to perform with who would you choose?

Daryle: Keith Whitley. I am a huge fan of his music. In 1986 both Randy Travis and Keith Whitley were performing at the State Fair, but my parents said I had to choose one or the other. I chose Randy, but hindsight being 20/20 and not knowing his fate, I wish I could have seen him perform. I would love to have been able to sing with him.

Bev: Similar question, but if you had your choice to only perform live in front of an audience or do studio work, which would you choose?

Daryle: Hands down, perform live. I love the interaction. You get crowd response and feedback right there. There is nothing that compares with that feeling.

Bev: I know Toyota is sponsoring you, do you have any big things in the works with them you can share?

Daryle: We are working on some races and doing some promotional events around the country. It is all still in the works, but yeah there is some things in the pipes.

Bev: When comparing things you like or don’t like about being an artist, what do you enjoy most and what do you not enjoy the most?

Daryle: I love singing live on stage. I dislike the traveling and being away from my family.

Bev: Anything you recall as being the most embarrassing thing to happen to you on stage?

Daryle: Just recently actually. My wife and I just moved back to Georgia and the pastor asked me to sing at the revival. Well I got up in front of God and everybody and I started “Amen Kind Of Love” which was a top five single for me, and I forgot the words to the second verse. I have sung this song for ten years, and I was drawing a complete blank. It was me and guitar, I had no one to help me. It was terrible. Then a few weeks after, my friend through Toyota asked me to sing the same song at his daughters wedding as people were leaving the ceremony. Believe it or not, the same thing happened. I got to the second verse and was lost. This time I just played until I got to the chorus and then finished up.

Bev: Daryle, I want to thank you for this time, I have enjoyed the CD and this time together. I wish you much success. Is there anything you wanted to add that I did not ask you?

Daryle: This is simply music we enjoy and I hope the fans will too. It is a traditional sound and we are excited to finally see the light of day with this project. Thank you very much for your time too, I could not do it without people like you.

For more information on Daryle Singletary visit or

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